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Market Entry, Mergers &  Acquisitions

Joint Venture and India Market Entry

Invest Assist by ITPL assists foreign companies to successfully enter, expand and grow in India. IA works to find you a suitable partner or can work as your partner in the country, whatever is most suited to the products or services being offered.


ITPL has been appointed as the India representative for the Georgia and Asia-Africa Chamber of Commerce, to strengthen economic, social and cultural relations between Georgia, Asian and African countries.


ITPL has also been appointed as India representative for the Kazakh - Slovenian Business Club, to strengthen economic relationship between India, Central Asia & EU.


ITPL's Managing Director is also Founder Member of Apex Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Delhi-NCT besides being a member of the Delhi Jewellers Association and New Delhi Traders Association.


Mergers and Acquisitions

Invest assist by ITPL works with several international clients and funds who seek to invest in emerging companies. Some of the focus sectors are pharmaceuticals, hospitality, IoT, SaaS, health, auto parts manufacturing, advanced material manufacturing, travel and tourism-related IT companies among others.

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